[R] error in running glm() function

Rolf Turner rolf.turner at xtra.co.nz
Wed Jul 25 11:30:46 CEST 2012

Ummmm, doesn't the error message tend to indicate to you that
at least one of the factors in the model has only one level?

That would make that factor a constant, whence it could not possibly
contribute any predictive power, whence it should be eliminated from
the model.

Note that you *must* have meant "glm()" not "lm()" --- the "family"
argument makes no sense with lm().

It is quite possible that your model could/should be written
(more simply --- understatement of the millennium!!!) as:

     ml.logit <- glm(default ~ ., family=binomial,data=dev)

(assuming the given list of variates exhausts the columns of "dev").

Note that you do not need to specify link="logit" (or even link=logit;
the quotes are unnecessary!) since logit is the default link for the
binomial family.


         Rolf Turner

On 25/07/12 19:28, shrutibansal wrote:
> m1.logit <-lm(default ~
>                            amt.fac +
>                            age.fac +
>                            duration +
>                            chk_acct +
>                            history +
>                            purpose +
>                            sav_acct +
>                            employment +
>                            install_rate +
>                            pstatus +
>                            other_debtor +
>                            time_resid +
>                            property +
>                            other_install +
>                            housing +
>                            other_credits +
>                            job +
>                            num_depend +
>                            telephone +
>                            foreign
>                                    , family = binomial(link = "logit"), data
> = dev)
> on running this code I am getting the following error
> Error in `contrasts<-`(`*tmp*`, value = contr.funs[1 + isOF[nn]]) :
>    contrasts can be applied only to factors with 2 or more levels
> ..
> please help me solving this problem.

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