[R] convert a table

Amanduh320 aadams26 at uwo.ca
Fri Jul 6 17:03:22 CEST 2012

I have my data in a table
table <- table(test2$Filename, test2$PREDICT)

I need to convert this table so it keeps the same structure, but is a
different format. The current output is count data by Filename and I want to
get the max for each Filename.

Columns are:
Filename, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

When I try to convert it to a data.frame it reverts to Var1(Filename),
Var2(1:7), Freq.

My end goal is to find the max by row (Filename), then do ifelse(x<max, 0,
max) for each value in columns 2:8

My problem is that I don't understand what format the table is in.
Thank you!

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