[R] Insert row in specific location between data frames

pigpigmeow glorykwok at hotmail.com
Mon Jul 2 06:39:05 CEST 2012

First, I have "predict_SO2_a" which is contained 24 data. I want to insert
"NA" in 11th row. Then, "predict_SO2_a" becomes 25 data.
After insert the row, I want to use "with" function to combine the
/>groupA$predict_SO2<-with(groupA, predict_SO2_a).
c(39.7932308121176, 30.25257753285, 32.4675835451901, 31.9415094289634, 
27.9083195877186, 11.5941369504695, 9.36812510512633, 12.3190926962636, 
14.9134904913096, 33.8462160039482, 16.6586503422101, 11.0312717522444, 
22.3102431270508, 15.1408236735915, 10.6875527887638, 11.3294850253127, 
13.9037966719703, 28.6603710864312)

structure(list(Date = structure(c(15L, 21L, 23L, 20L, 9L, 10L, 
2L, 11L, 22L, 6L, 7L, 16L, 17L, 24L, 26L, 12L, 18L, 19L, 14L, 
8L, 25L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 13L), .Label = c("", "1/9/2001", "10/9/2010", 
"11/9/2010", "12/9/2010", "14/9/2002", "15/9/2002", "15/9/2009", 
"19/9/1999", "2/9/2000", "2/9/2001", "2/9/2008", "21/9/2010", 
"24/9/2008", "3/9/1997", "3/9/2003", "3/9/2005", "3/9/2008", 
"5/9/2008", "6/9/1998", "7/9/1997", "7/9/2001", "8/9/1997", "8/9/2006", 
"8/9/2010", "9/9/2006"), class = "factor"), pressure = c(-8.110989011, 
-5.910989011, -3.510989011, -4.732967033, -5.737362637, -7.607692308, 
-9.675824176, -9.075824176, -5.575824176, -6.169230769, -8.169230769, 
-9.207692308, -9.197802198, -4.884615385, -3.684615385, -3.132967033, 
-3.332967033, -3.232967033, -9.532967033, -8.537362637, -6.869230769, 
-6.869230769, -3.869230769, -2.069230769, -5.369230769), maxtemp =
0.756043956, 1.556043956, 2.216483516, 1.995604396, 2.346153846, 
1.97032967, 0.17032967, 1.57032967, 0.747252747, -0.352747253, 
0.672527473, 1.985714286, 1.452747253, 0.352747253, 1.568131868, 
3.068131868, 1.368131868, 0.168131868, 1.987912088, 5.187912088, 
3.987912088, -0.812087912, 1.587912088, -1.112087912), avetemp =
0.440659341, 1.340659341, 1.287912088, 2.278021978, 2.2, 1.962637363, 
0.962637363, 1.562637363, 1.482417582, 0.682417582, 1.089010989, 
2.103296703, 1.989010989, 0.589010989, 2.087912088, 2.287912088, 
1.787912088, 1.287912088, 1.330769231, 5.237362637, 3.43736263
ratio = c(1.53920929073912, 
2.08020364225369, 2.5845449621267, 4.68646633242131, 0.93343593089835, 
1.18698605729367, 1.19133323040343, 1.9902213063946, 2.09049362040035
)), .Names = c("Date", "pressure", "maxtemp", "avetemp", "mintemp", 
"RH", "solar", "windspeed", "transport", "angle", "rainfall", 
"RSP", "Ozone", "NO2", "NOX", "SO2", "CO", "newRSP", "newOzone", 
"newNO2", "newNOX", "newSO2", "predict_RSP", "predict_NO2", "predict_NOX",
"ratio"), row.names = c(NA, 25L), class = "data.frame")/

Finally, I want to groupA combine with groupB, groupB contains ......

structure(list(Date = structure(c(1L, 16L, 20L, 27L, 32L, 34L, 
35L, 7L, 11L, 21L, 30L, 17L, 8L, 2L, 28L, 3L, 18L, 22L, 24L, 
29L, 31L, 23L, 25L, 4L, 26L, 12L, 13L, 15L, 19L, 5L, 6L, 33L, 
9L, 10L, 14L), .Label = c("1/9/1997", "1/9/2004", "1/9/2006", 
"1/9/2008", "10/11/2009", "11/11/2009", "11/9/1999", "12/10/2003", 
"13/9/2010", "17/9/2010", "18/9/1999", "18/9/2008", "18/9/2009", 
"18/9/2010", "19/9/2009", "2/9/1997", "2/9/2002", "2/9/2006", 
"20/9/2009", "26/11/1997", "3/10/2000", "3/9/2006", "3/9/2007", 
"4/9/2006", "4/9/2007", "4/9/2008", "5/9/1998", "5/9/2004", "5/9/2006", 
"6/9/2001", "6/9/2006", "7/9/1998", "7/9/2010", "8/9/1998", "9/9/1998"
), class = "factor"), pressure = c(-8.310989011, -8.710989011, 
-1.710989011, -4.732967033, -2.932967033, -2.732967033, -5.432967033, 
-6.637362637, -7.237362637, -1.707692308, -6.475824176, -3.869230769, 
-3.507692308, -8.098901099, -10.6989011, -7.184615385, ....................
 ratio = c(1.94158182541644, 2.12248234979731, 
1.87302150800523, 2.61289013672199, 2.97067043253228, 2.85053235533923, 
2.51886435993509, 1.87829582620638, ........................
2.9380496638884, 1.40686764084479, 
0.858666346292962)), .Names = c("Date", "pressure", "maxtemp", 
"avetemp", "mintemp", "RH", "solar", "windspeed", "transport", 
"angle", "rainfall", "RSP", "Ozone", "NO2", "NOX", "SO2", "CO", 
"newRSP", "newOzone", "newNO2", "newNOX", "newSO2", "predict_RSP", 
"predict_NO2", "predict_NOX", "predict_SO2", "ratio"), row.names = c(NA, 
-35L), class = "data.frame")/

I used "merge" function to combine groupA and groupB. totally contains 60

however, it shows...
 [1] Date        pressure    maxtemp     avetemp     mintemp     RH         
solar       windspeed   transport   angle       rainfall    RSP        
[14] NO2         NOX         SO2         CO          newRSP      newOzone   
newNO2      newNOX      newSO2      predict_RSP predict_NO2 predict_NOX
[27] ratio      
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)/

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