[R] using facet_grid() from ggplot2 with additional text in labels

hadley wickham h.wickham at gmail.com
Sun Jan 27 18:43:32 CET 2008

> I am using ggplot2 at the moment and I must say it is definitely better
> then ggplot - good work.
> My problem is that I am using facet_grid() in the following way:
>  > p <- ggplot(ssq, aes(x=year, y=-log(ssq)))
>  > p + geom_point() + facet_grid(me*gi~cs*rz)
> and it works nicely, except that I would like to have, in naddition to
> the values of me, gi, cs and rz the name of the variable. I.e: if gi is
> 1, 2 and 3 I would like to have "gi = 1:", "gi = 2" and "gi = 3" as
> labels of the p[anels. I did it with ggplot, but I don't remember and I
> have lost the code ...

ggopt(strip.text = function(variable, value) paste(variable, value, sep="= "))

> Just a small comment on the package: as I am using emacs with ess, I
> have to press "_" twice to get the underscore in the commands (as the
> first one is replaced with "->" and then reverted to "_") - would it be
> possible to change these in the next release with "." (but still provide
> an alias with "_")?

I know it's a pain but I think emacs users need to change their ways
(and default settings) because as time goes by I think you'll see
increasing numbers of packages using _ instead of . to prevent
conflicts with S3.  It would be nice if R had a standard convention
for separating words in functions.



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