[R] from a normal bivariate distribution to the marginal one

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Wed Jan 23 16:02:47 CET 2008

Elisabetta Petracci <elisabetta.petracci at unimi.it> wrote in
news:479730AA.3040505 at unimi.it: 

> Hello,
> I'm quite new with R and so I would like to know if there is a
> command to calculate an integral.
> In particular I simulated a bivariate normal distribution using
> these simple lines:
> rbivnorm <- function(n,       # sample size
>                     mux,     # expected value of x
>                     muy,     # expected value of Y
>                     sigmax,  # standard deviation of X
>                     sigmay,  # standard deviation of Y
>                     rho){    # correlation coefficient
>            x <- rnorm(n,mux,sigmax)
>            y <- rnorm(n,muy+rho*sigmay*(x-mux)/sigmax,
>            sigmay*sqrt(1-rho2)) 
>            cbind(x,y)
>            }
> In this way I've sampled from a normal bivariate distribution and
> I've obtained two vectors of values:x and y..
> Now, I would like to find the marginal distribution of y from the 
> bivariate distribution.
> Is there a command to do this?

It appears you left out a "^" between rho and 2.

There is an integrate() function but it requires a function (not a 
finite set of points). I think that what you may want is density(). 



If you want the cdf rather than an estimate of the pdf, then look at 

David Winsemius

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