[R] Setting a graph flushed to edges of axes

Deepayan Sarkar deepayan.sarkar at gmail.com
Tue Feb 19 22:17:22 CET 2008

On 2/19/08, Saptarshi Guha <saptarshi.guha at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
>         I need to plot a line graph using lattice so that the endpoints are
> flush with the left and right vertical axes.
>         So the scale end points and horizontal axes length should coincide.
>         This works
>         u=newdata[1:100,] #u[,1] is from 1700-1795
>         xyplot(u[,2]~u[,1],xlim=range(u[,1]))
>         Now u[,3] is a categorical variable and now I want use u[,3] as a
> conditioning variable yet still plot with the above condition
>         sc <- list()
>         sc$"x"=list(relation="free",tick.number=6)
>         p1=u[u[,3]==1,1]
>         p2=u[u[,3]==2,1]
>         xlim=list(range(p1),range(p2))
>         xyplot(u[,2]~u[,1]|u[,3],scales=sc,xlim=xlim,type="l",layout=c(1,2))
>         In this case there is some padding between the endpoints and the
> vertical axes.
>         How can I remove this padding?

A reproducible example would have helped, but perhaps you want

scales = list(x = list(relation = "free", axs = "i"))


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