[R] Transfer Crosstable to Word-Document

Alan Zaslavsky zaslavsk at hcp.med.harvard.edu
Sat Feb 16 17:49:32 CET 2008

If you want to get nicely formatted tables in Word and are familiar with 
Office tools (I know it's the Evil Empire but some of us work there), I 
suggest that you use Excel for formatting and then insert the table into 
your Word document.  IMHO, Excel is much superior to Word for table 
formatting, e.g. modifying number of significant digits, playing around 
with fonts and number formats, etc.  And when you have gotten the formats 
right you can paste in modified values of the numbers in the table without 
having to do the formatting again.  Including the table in your Word 
document is easy by cut-paste or creating a live link.

As a user of R under Unix I haven't looked into the facilities for writing 
tables to Excel under Windows but there is something there.  Alternatively 
you can write a fixed-column or tab-delimited file and easily import to 

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