[R] learning S4
cgenolin at u-paris10.fr
cgenolin at u-paris10.fr
Fri Feb 8 16:30:45 CET 2008
Hi the list.
I try to learn the S4 programming. I find the wiki and several doc. But
I still have few questions...
1. To define 'representation', we can use two syntax :
- representation=list(temps = 'numeric',traj = 'matrix')
- representation(temps = 'numeric',traj = 'matrix')
Is there any difference ?
2. 'validityMethod' check the intialisation of a new object, but not
the latter
modifications. Is it possible to set up a validation that check every
modifications ?
3. When we use setMethod('initialize',...) does the validityMethod
become un-used ?
4. Is it possible to set up several initialization processes ? One
that build an objet from a data.frame, one from a matrix...
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