[R] meaning of lenwrk value in adapt function

Eric Archer Eric.Archer at noaa.gov
Mon Oct 29 09:17:57 CET 2007


In using the adapt function, I am getting the following warning:

Ifail=2, lenwrk was too small. -- fix adapt() !
 Check the returned relerr! in: adapt(ndim = 2, lower = lower.limit, 
upper = upper.limit, functn = pr.set, 

Would someone explain what the 'lenwrk' value indicates in order to help 
diagnose this issue.
Also, what are the possible codes for Ifail, so I can set some traps in 
my code to handle them correctly.

I apologize for not including a reproducible example in this query, but 
the function that is being called in adapt is a rather complex 
temporal-spatial density function and would require many lines of code 
along with the necessary data, and would not be useful at this stage in 

Thanks in advance.


Eric Archer, Ph.D.
8604 La Jolla Shores Dr.
La Jolla, CA 92037
eric.archer at noaa.gov


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