[R] cut.dendrogram and cutree

Yaomin Xu yaomin at case.edu
Sun Oct 28 22:14:30 CET 2007


we use cut.tree when it makes sense to use a specific h as a global
criterion to split the tree.

In your case, you might want to access the tree using '[['. Examples
below borrow the samples you provided in your code:

1) There are two branches in your dend1. To get the left branch, you can do

> dend1.1 <- dend1[[1]]
> labels(dend1.1)

where labels function gives you all the states you have under that branch.

2) There are two big sub-branches on the right branch of brand1, to
access the right one of those two sub-branches, you can do,

dend1.2.2 <- dend1[[c(2,2)]]  # or dend1.2.2<- dend1[[2]][[2]]
lables(dend1.2.2)  ## will list you all the members.

So the branches of a dendrogram object can be accessed in a binary
tree fashion, use '1' for the tree on the left and '2' for the tree on
the right.

hope the above helps.


Yaomin Xu
Statstical Computing and Bioinformatics
The Cleveland Clinic Foundation

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