[R] Help needed on calculation of Moran's I

Geertje Van der Heijden g.m.f.vanderheijden04 at leeds.ac.uk
Fri Oct 26 17:24:02 CEST 2007


Thanks for your help, Thibaut. It was helpful to look at the graphs.

I think that the problem is that when the lower boundary is 0 and the upper boundary is arbitrarily high it takes all connections into account (which shouldn't be a problem right?). If I make the lower boundary slightly higher than 0 and keep the maximum on some random high value or decrease the upper boundary - i.e. not all possible links are taken into account - the lm.morantest does work, but the Moran's I value is still really close to the expected value.

I have 58 sites from across the Neotropics. I am looking at the relationship of environmental and biogeographical factors on species richness and would like to see if there is still a spatial pattern in my data when these variables are taken into account. As far as I understand I should take all possible interactions between the sites into account if I want to test the residuals for spatial autocorrelation, right? I am a novice in this kind of spatial analyses, but is there a possibility to take all possible links between one point and all other points in the dataset into account when dealing with the Moran's I test for spatial autocorrelation in your residuals or have I misinterpreted the working of Morna's I? Or is there a better way to calculate it then I have done so far?

Any help on this will be greatly appreciated!

Many thanks,

Geertje van der Heijden
PhD student
Tropical Ecology
School of Geography
University of Leeds
Leeds LS2 9JT

Tel: (+44)(0)113 3433345 
Email: g.m.f.vanderheijden04 at leeds.ac.uk

-----Original Message-----
From: Thibaut Jombart [mailto:jombart at biomserv.univ-lyon1.fr] 
Sent: 26 October 2007 15:49
To: Geertje Van der Heijden
Cc: r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
Subject: Re: [R] Help needed on calculation of Moran's I

Geertje Van der Heijden wrote:

>I am trying to calculate Moran's I test for the residuals for a 
>regression equation, but I have trouble converting my  coordinates into 
>nb format.
>I have used the dnearneigh() funtion now with an arbitrarily high upper 
>distance to make it include all plots. However, when I do the
>lm.morantest() I get a Moran's I value which is the same as the 
>expected value and a P-value of 1.
>I have used the following code:
>>coords <- as.matrix(cbind(long, $lat)) coord.nb <- dnearneigh(coords, 
>>0, 10000 longlat=TRUE) coord.list <- nb2listw(coord.nb, style="W") 
>>lianasp.lm <- lm(lianasprich ~ log(averdist) + dsl + lianadens +
>>lm.morantest(lianasp.lm, coord.list, alternative="two.sided")
>And get the following result
>        Global Moran's I for regression residuals
>model: lm(formula = lianasprich ~ log(averdist) + dsl + lianadens +
>weights: coord.list
>Moran I statistic standard deviate = 0, p-value = 1 alternative 
>hypothesis: two.sided sample estimates:
>Observed Moran's I        Expectation           Variance 
>     -1.754386e-02      -1.754386e-02       2.125706e-16 
>Can anyone tell me where I went wrong or if there is another way to 
>generate a nb list?
>Many thanks,

did you have a look at the graph you produced (using plot.nb)? Maybe the maximum distance between any two neighbours is too high. What does
max(dist(coords)) say ?
Anyway, there are many different connection networks available in several R packages, some being more appropriate than others to model paticular spatial distributions.

The package adegenet proposes a small tool to choose among several graphs interactively:

xy = matrix(runif(100),ncol=2)
yourcn = chooseCN(xy)



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