[R] Linux editor for R+LaTeX, but not Emacs

Scionforbai scionforbai at gmail.com
Sat Oct 6 15:11:29 CEST 2007

> kate infact allows you to pipe commands to console (tools->pipe to
> console). I have pretty much the same setup as you. But I have defined
> a shortcut for piping the commands to console in kate. So I just
> have to highlight commands using shift and arrow keys, and press F4
> (my shortcut) and the commands go to an R process running in the
> console. A perfect keyboard-only solution.

Yes, I know, I defined ctrl+shift+c ;)  What I meant is that you
cannot switch to the console to use R interactively, and then come
back to the text file again, without using the mouse. I often switch
between the R command line and the text where I save the commands and
the functions, and I need to touch the mouse for that. In emacs+ess
this is straightforward, keyboard-only.

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