[Rd] [PATCH] Code coverage support proof of concept

Karl Forner karl.forner at gmail.com
Wed Mar 5 17:16:57 CET 2014


I submit a patch for review that implements code coverage tracing in
the R interpreter.
It records the lines that are actually executed and their associated
frequency for which srcref information is available.

I perfectly understands that this patch will not make its way inside R
as it is, that they are many concerns of stability, compatibility,
maintenance and so on.
I would like to have the code reviewed, and proper guidance on how to
get this feature available at one point in R, in base R or as a
package or patch if other people are interested.

# your code to trace here
res <- Rcov_stop()

res is currently a hashed env, with traced source filenames associated
with 2-columns matrices holding the line numbers and their

How it works
I added a test in getSrcref(), that records the line numbers if code
coverage is started.
The overhead should be minimal since for a given file, subsequent
covered lines will be stored
in constant time. I use a hased env to store the occurrences by file.

I added two entry points in the utils package (Rcov_start() and Rcov_stop())

* untar the latest R-devel and cd into it
* patch -p1 < rdev-cov-patch.txt
* ./configure [... ] && make && [sudo] make install
* install the devtools package
* run the following script using Rscript

pkg  <- download.packages('testthat', '.', repos = "http://stat.ethz.ch/CRAN")
untar(pkg[1, 2])

env <- Rcov_stop()

res <- lapply(ls(env), get, envir = env)
names(res) <- ls(env)

This will hopefully output something like:
     [,1] [,2]
[1,]   33    1
[2,]   80    1

      [,1] [,2]
 [1,]   18    1
 [2,]   19  106
 [3,]   20  106
 [4,]   22  106
 [5,]   23  106
 [6,]   40    1
 [7,]   59    1
 [8,]   70    1
 [9,]   71  106

Karl Forner

There are probably bugs  and ugly statements, but this is just a proof
of concept. This is untested and only run on a linux x86_64
-------------- next part --------------
diff -ruN R-devel/src/library/utils/man/Rcov_start.Rd R-devel-cov/src/library/utils/man/Rcov_start.Rd
--- R-devel/src/library/utils/man/Rcov_start.Rd	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ R-devel-cov/src/library/utils/man/Rcov_start.Rd	2014-03-05 16:07:45.907596276 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+% File src/library/utils/man/Rcov_start.Rd
+% Part of the R package, http://www.R-project.org
+% Copyright 1995-2010 R Core Team
+% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
+\title{Start Code Coverage analysis of R's Execution}
+  Start Code Coverage analysis of the execution of \R expressions.
+Rcov_start(nb_lines = 10000L, growth_rate = 2)
+  \item{nb_lines}{
+    Initial max number of lines per source file. 
+  }
+  \item{growth_rate}{
+    growth factor of the line numbers vectors per filename. 
+    If a reached line number L is greater than  nb_lines, the vector will
+    be reallocated with provisional size of growth_rate * L. 
+  }
diff -ruN R-devel/src/library/utils/man/Rcov_stop.Rd R-devel-cov/src/library/utils/man/Rcov_stop.Rd
--- R-devel/src/library/utils/man/Rcov_stop.Rd	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ R-devel-cov/src/library/utils/man/Rcov_stop.Rd	2014-03-03 16:14:25.883440716 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+% File src/library/utils/man/Rcov_stop.Rd
+% Part of the R package, http://www.R-project.org
+% Copyright 1995-2010 R Core Team
+% Distributed under GPL 2 or later
+\title{Start Code Coverage analysis of R's Execution}
+  Start Code Coverage analysis of the execution of \R expressions.
+  a named list of integer vectors holding occurrences counts (line number, frequency)
+  , named after the covered source file names. 
diff -ruN R-devel/src/library/utils/NAMESPACE R-devel-cov/src/library/utils/NAMESPACE
--- R-devel/src/library/utils/NAMESPACE	2013-09-10 03:04:59.000000000 +0200
+++ R-devel-cov/src/library/utils/NAMESPACE	2014-03-03 16:18:48.407430952 +0100
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # Refer to all C routines by their name prefixed by C_
 useDynLib(utils, .registration = TRUE, .fixes = "C_")
-export("?", .DollarNames, CRAN.packages, Rprof, Rprofmem, RShowDoc,
+export("?", .DollarNames, CRAN.packages, Rcov_start, Rcov_stop, Rprof, Rprofmem, RShowDoc,
        RSiteSearch, URLdecode, URLencode, View, adist, alarm, apropos,
        aregexec, argsAnywhere, assignInMyNamespace, assignInNamespace,
        as.roman, as.person, as.personList, as.relistable, aspell,
diff -ruN R-devel/src/library/utils/R/Rcov.R R-devel-cov/src/library/utils/R/Rcov.R
--- R-devel/src/library/utils/R/Rcov.R	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ R-devel-cov/src/library/utils/R/Rcov.R	2014-03-03 16:08:45.739453368 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#  File src/library/utils/R/Rcov.R
+#  Part of the R package, http://www.R-project.org
+#  Copyright (C) 1995-2013 The R Core Team
+#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+#  (at your option) any later version.
+#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#  GNU General Public License for more details.
+#  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
+#  http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/
+Rcov_start <- function(nb_lines = 10000L, growth_rate = 2)
+    invisible(.External(C_Rcov_start, nb_lines, growth_rate))
+Rcov_stop <- function() {
+	invisible(.External(C_Rcov_stop))
diff -ruN R-devel/src/library/utils/src/init.c R-devel-cov/src/library/utils/src/init.c
--- R-devel/src/library/utils/src/init.c	2014-01-08 18:06:33.000000000 +0100
+++ R-devel-cov/src/library/utils/src/init.c	2014-03-03 16:16:00.667437192 +0100
@@ -74,6 +74,8 @@
 static const R_ExternalMethodDef ExtEntries[] = {
     EXTDEF(download, 5),
     EXTDEF(unzip, 7),
+    EXTDEF(Rcov_start, 2),
+    EXTDEF(Rcov_stop, 0),
     EXTDEF(Rprof, 8),
     EXTDEF(Rprofmem, 3),
diff -ruN R-devel/src/library/utils/src/utils.c R-devel-cov/src/library/utils/src/utils.c
--- R-devel/src/library/utils/src/utils.c	2012-10-01 17:52:17.000000000 +0200
+++ R-devel-cov/src/library/utils/src/utils.c	2014-03-03 16:24:06.259419131 +0100
@@ -27,6 +27,22 @@
 #include "utils.h"
 /* from src/main/eval.c */
+void do_Rcov_start(int nb_lines, double growth_rate);
+SEXP do_Rcov_stop(void);
+SEXP Rcov_start(SEXP args)
+    do_Rcov_start(asInteger(CADR(args)), asReal(CADDR(args)));
+    return R_NilValue;		/* -Wall */
+SEXP Rcov_stop(void)
+    return do_Rcov_stop();
+/* from src/main/eval.c */
 SEXP do_Rprof(SEXP args);
 SEXP Rprof(SEXP args)
diff -ruN R-devel/src/library/utils/src/utils.h R-devel-cov/src/library/utils/src/utils.h
--- R-devel/src/library/utils/src/utils.h	2014-01-06 03:04:59.000000000 +0100
+++ R-devel-cov/src/library/utils/src/utils.h	2014-03-03 16:23:54.355419573 +0100
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
 SEXP objectSize(SEXP s);
 SEXP unzip(SEXP args);
+SEXP Rcov_start(SEXP args);
+SEXP Rcov_stop(void);
 SEXP Rprof(SEXP args);
 SEXP Rprofmem(SEXP args);
diff -ruN R-devel/src/main/eval.c R-devel-cov/src/main/eval.c
--- R-devel/src/main/eval.c	2014-02-21 03:03:36.000000000 +0100
+++ R-devel-cov/src/main/eval.c	2014-03-05 16:32:22.427541357 +0100
@@ -37,6 +37,201 @@
 static SEXP bcEval(SEXP, SEXP, Rboolean);
+static int R_Code_Coverage = 0;
+/* A Simple mechanism for implementing code coverage.
+  When code coverage is enables (via the R_Code_Coverage global var),
+  each call to the getSrcref() function will record the current srcref filename and line
+  number.
+  The code coverage support is controlled by the R_CODE_COVERAGE preprocessor define.
+  The actual implementation consists for the moment in intercepting getSrcref() calls,
+  then calling the record_code_coverage() function.
+  The code coverage tracing is activating by calling the do_Rcov() (Rcov from R) function.
+  Karl Forner
+ */
+/*   global variable: hit lines freqs: a HashedEnv by filename */
+static SEXP R_Cov_freqs_hash = NULL;
+/* create a new non-sparsed vector of line frequencies at least of length size.
+ * Depending on the do_Rcov_start params nb_lines and growth_rate,
+ * it will allocate an actual size of either nb_lines or size * growth_rate
+ */
+static SEXP cov_new_lines_vector(int size) {
+	SEXP sexp, lines;
+	int nb_lines, i;
+	int *tab;
+	double growth_rate;
+	sexp = findVarInFrame(R_Cov_freqs_hash, install(".nb_lines"));
+	nb_lines = INTEGER(sexp)[0];
+	if (size > nb_lines) {
+		sexp = findVarInFrame(R_Cov_freqs_hash, install(".growth_rate"));
+		growth_rate = REAL(sexp)[0];
+		size = (int)(size * growth_rate);
+	} else {
+		size = nb_lines;
+	}
+	PROTECT(lines = allocVector(INTSXP, size));
+	tab = INTEGER(lines);
+	for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
+		tab[i] = 0;
+	return lines;
+/* store a new line occurrence in R_Cov_freqs_hash for filename */
+static void cov_store_new_line(const char* filename, int line) {
+	SEXP lines, lines2;
+	int len, i, *t1, *t2;
+	lines = findVarInFrame(R_Cov_freqs_hash, install(filename));
+	if (lines == R_UnboundValue) { /* new file */
+		lines = cov_new_lines_vector(line + 1);
+		defineVar(install(filename), lines, R_Cov_freqs_hash);
+	}
+	if (length(lines) <= line) {
+		/* lines vector too short */
+		PROTECT(lines2 = cov_new_lines_vector(line + 1)); /* should allocate (line+1)*growth_rate */
+		len = length(lines);
+		i = 0;
+		t1 = INTEGER(lines);
+		t2 = INTEGER(lines2);
+		for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
+			lines2[i] = lines[i];
+		defineVar(install(filename), lines2, R_Cov_freqs_hash);
+		lines = lines2;
+	}
+	INTEGER(lines)[line]++;
+/* maybe store a new srcref in R_Cov_freqs_hash */
+static void record_code_coverage(SEXP srcref)
+	if (srcref && !isNull(srcref)) {
+		int fnum, line = asInteger(srcref);
+		SEXP srcfile = getAttrib(srcref, R_SrcfileSymbol);
+		const char *filename;
+		if (!srcfile || TYPEOF(srcfile) != ENVSXP) return;
+		srcfile = findVar(install("filename"), srcfile);
+		if (TYPEOF(srcfile) != STRSXP || !length(srcfile)) return;
+		filename = CHAR(STRING_ELT(srcfile, 0));
+		cov_store_new_line(filename, line);
+	}
+/* This initiates the code coverage tracing.
+ * nb_lines is the initial size of frequencies vectors per file.
+ * If a line number L is encountered s.t L >=nb_lines, the vector will be extended
+ * to L * growth_rate
+ */
+void do_Rcov_start(int nb_lines, double growth_rate)
+	SEXP sexp;
+	if (growth_rate < 1.1)
+		growth_rate = 1.1;
+	if (R_Code_Coverage) return;
+	R_Code_Coverage = 1;
+	if (R_Cov_freqs_hash != NULL)
+		R_ReleaseObject(R_Cov_freqs_hash);
+	/* put the params nb_lines and growth_rate as hidden vars of the hashed env */
+	R_Cov_freqs_hash = R_NewHashedEnv(R_NilValue, ScalarInteger(0));
+	PROTECT(sexp = ScalarInteger(nb_lines));
+	defineVar(install(".nb_lines"), sexp, R_Cov_freqs_hash);
+	PROTECT(sexp = ScalarReal(growth_rate));
+	defineVar(install(".growth_rate"), sexp, R_Cov_freqs_hash);
+	R_PreserveObject(R_Cov_freqs_hash);
+/* Ends the code coverage tracing.
+ * and returns an environment with symbols named after the covered source files and values
+ * matrices of dim n*2, which first column is the line number and the second the nb of occurrences
+ */
+SEXP do_Rcov_stop(void)
+	SEXP names, lines, mat, key, res;
+	int n, i, j, k, nb_lines, non_empty_lines, *tab, *m;
+	/* stop the code covered tracing */
+	R_Code_Coverage = 0;
+	/* convert frequencies by line to matrix N*2 of lines, freq */
+	PROTECT(names = R_lsInternal(R_Cov_freqs_hash, FALSE));
+	n = length(names);
+	for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+		key = install(CHAR(STRING_ELT(names, i)));
+		lines = findVarInFrame(R_Cov_freqs_hash, key);
+		tab = INTEGER(lines);
+		nb_lines = length(lines);
+		non_empty_lines = 0;
+		for (j = 0; j < nb_lines; ++j)
+			if (tab[j])
+				++non_empty_lines;
+		PROTECT(mat = allocMatrix(INTSXP, non_empty_lines, 2));
+		m = INTEGER(mat);
+		k = 0;
+		for (j = 0; j < nb_lines; ++j) {
+			if (tab[j]) {
+				m[k] = j;
+				m[k + non_empty_lines] = tab[j];
+				++k;
+			}
+		}
+		defineVar(key, mat, R_Cov_freqs_hash);
+		UNPROTECT(1); /* mat */
+	}
+	UNPROTECT(1); /* names */
+	res = R_Cov_freqs_hash;
+	R_ReleaseObject(R_Cov_freqs_hash);
+	R_Cov_freqs_hash = NULL;
+    return res;
+#else /* not R_CODE_COVERAGE */
+void do_Rcov_start(int nb_lines, int growth_rate)
+    error(_("do_Rcov_start: R code coverage is not available on this system"));
+    return R_NilValue;		/* -Wall */
+SEXP do_Rcov_stop()
+    error(_("do_Rcov_stop: R code coverage is not available on this system"));
+	R_Code_Coverage = 0;
 /* BC_PROILFING needs to be defined here and in registration.c */
 /*#define BC_PROFILING*/
@@ -851,10 +1046,17 @@
 	&& length(srcrefs) > ind
 	&& !isNull(result = VECTOR_ELT(srcrefs, ind))
 	&& TYPEOF(result) == INTSXP
-	&& length(result) >= 6)
-	return result;
-    else
-	return R_NilValue;
+	&& length(result) >= 6) {
+    	if (R_Code_Coverage) record_code_coverage(result);
+    } else {
+    	result = R_NilValue;
+    }
+    return result;
 SEXP applyClosure(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP arglist, SEXP rho, SEXP suppliedenv)

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