[Rd] unique.default() drops names (PR#9130)

Gregor Gorjanc gregor.gorjanc at bfro.uni-lj.si
Fri Aug 11 02:33:39 CEST 2006

Seth Falcon <sfalcon <at> fhcrc.org> writes:
> I see value in unique() keeping names and from what I understand
> the documentation could be changed to match 
> I don't know if there are good reasons for dropping names from
> vectors.
> Given that unique is very commonly used, I think the way to make such
> a change is in the C code, not at the R level.  So in that sense, I
> think the patch you sent is not ideal.  Below is a patch to
> do_duplicated that keeps names.  Lightly tested.  No doc included.  I
> would consider more testing and doc if there was interest.
Thank you Seth for your time on this. I also think that there is value
in keeping names and I agree that C code is the best place to do the fix.


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