[Rd] solving nonlinear equations

Spencer Graves spencer.graves at pdf.com
Thu Aug 10 11:12:33 CEST 2006

	  Have you tried writing a function to compute SS = sum of squares 
deviations between the the left and right hand sides of your three 
equations, then using 'optim'?  See also Venables and Ripley (2002) 
Modern Applied Statistics with S, 4th ed. (Springer).

	  hope this helps.
	  Spencer Graves
p.s.  I don't see how it's obvious that 'a=-c'.

Kjetil Brinchmann Halvorsen wrote:
>> I can't seem to get computationally stable estimates for the following system:
>> Y=a+bX+cX^2+dX^3, where X~N(0,1). (Y is expressed as a linear combination of the first three powers of a standard normal variable.) Assuming that E(Y)=0 and Var(Y)=1, one can obtain the following equations after tedious algebraic calculations:
>> 1) b^2+6bd+2c^2+15d^2=1
>> 2) 2c(b^2+24bd+105d^2+2)=E(Y^3)
>> 3) 24[bd+c^2(1+b^2+28bd)+d^2(12+48bd+141c^2+225d^2)]=E(Y^4)-3
>> Obviously, a=-c. Suppose that distributional form of Y is given so we know E(Y^3) and E(Y^4). In other words, we have access to the third and fourth raw moments. How do we solve for these four coefficients? I reduced the number of unknowns/equations to two, and subsequently used a grid approach. It works well when I am close to the center of the support, but fails miserably at the tails. Any ideas? Hopefully, there is a nice R function that does this.
>> Hakan Demirtas
>> 	[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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> This is really a question for r-help not r-devel.
> I was about to say that this was a question for a symbolic algebra 
> system, but first tried in MuPAD 4.0, and left the machine alone. 
> returning after 2 hours MuPAD was still grinding and I had to kill it.
> Kjetil
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