[ESS] Testing for the next release
Sparapani, Rodney
r@p@r@p@ @end|ng |rom mcw@edu
Thu Dec 19 19:39:21 CET 2024
Hi Gang:
We are in the process of preparing the next release.
Not much has changed: a few bug-fixes and new features.
But, we want to get back to a roughly annual release
cadence. So now is a good time for everyone to test.
The biggest change is in philosophy. For example, here�s an
item that will be in the NEWS for the next release�
* polymode: In our transition from literate libraries (such as noweb
documented below with respect to 19.04), we now recommend the
polymode packages as a more suitable replacement. Furthermore, we
suggest the related polymodes including poly-noweb, poly-markdown
and poly-R (installed in that order). The package polymode itself,
as well as the polymodes packages, are all on MELPA rather than
ELPA. Therefore, you need to add MELPA to the list of installation
archives as follows. (add-to-list 'package-archives
'("melpa-stable" . "https://stable.melpa.org/packages/")) for
'M-x package-install'
Rodney Sparapani, Associate Professor of Biostatistics, He/Him
President, Wisconsin Chapter of the American Statistical Association
Data Science Institute
Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Campus
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