[ESS] emacs theme for polymode with noweb files

Hüsing, Johannes Joh@nne@@Hue@|ng @end|ng |rom kreb@reg|@ter@nrw@de
Tue Dec 5 10:33:50 CET 2023

Thanks, Tyler, for the directions, which made me burn office hours while looking fort he optimal font face.

One of these faces seems to be assigned to documenting the contents of a tidyverse object. Via the link you can find the face used for printing a data frame vs printing a tibble. The latter one has issues with foreground and background being to similar, as you can see in https://i.imgur.com/Q2lez8e.png (sorry if i am not aware of the custom method of posting images).

Following your directions of
> Put the cursor over the offending characters, and call the function `M-x describe-face`.
I get the following:

Basic default face.

Defined in ‘faces.el’.

           Family: Consolas
          Foundry: outline
            Width: normal
           Height: 102
           Weight: normal
            Slant: normal
       Foreground: #f8f8f2
DistantForeground: unspecified
       Background: #282a36
        Underline: nil
         Overline: nil
   Strike-through: nil
              Box: nil
          Inverse: nil
          Stipple: nil
             Font: #<font-object -outline-Consolas-normal-normal-normal-mono-17-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1>
          Fontset: -outline-Consolas-normal-normal-normal-mono-17-*-*-*-c-*-fontset-auto1
           Extend: nil
          Inherit: nil

Clearly, the offending character is a lot darker than it yould be if it used the foreground of the basic default face.
Is ESS using the "DistantForeground" and interpreting "unspecified" as "black"?

Is there a proper way to let ESS format outputs as default foreground on default background, regardless if it's printing from tidyverse objects or base R objects?

Otherwise, the dracula theme works fine with me. Even the auto-dim-other-buffers-mode works like a charm for both light and dark themes. It's just that the workflow suggested here does not work as nicely as I hoped it to do.



Johannes Hüsing

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