[ESS] ESS code-folding?

Sparapani, Rodney r@p@r@p@ @end|ng |rom mcw@edu
Wed Aug 16 19:30:02 CEST 2023

Hi Gang:

One of my student�s asked this question.

Any resources/knowledge on code folding? in RStudio �####� creates a collapsible section. Came across hideshow-org<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/melpa.org/*/hideshow-org__;Iw!!H8mHWRdzp34!5RPr9v2ZhWFZvGqgU1l_SCB3m8RiGAGo3z3tOZJeYnGOEM1PJSipOO32pr70Qd7JRbtycMb_EwhMdNuJ$> but I don�t want to only be able to use it in org mode.

Something like

Without code folding
#### test ####
test = c(1, 2)

With code folding
#### test ####

Any ideas?
Rodney Sparapani, Associate Professor of Biostatistics, He/Him/His
Vice President, Wisconsin Chapter of the American Statistical Association
Institute for Health and Equity, Division of Biostatistics
Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Campus

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