[ESS] Emacs 28 and Sweave files

Tyler Smith ty|er @end|ng |rom p|@nt@rum@c@
Sun Sep 11 16:42:51 CEST 2022


That's my tutorial, I'm glad it's been of some use! However, it's very explicitly targeted at RMarkdown files (.rmd). The details will differ for LaTeX (.Rnw files), although the general approach is quite similar. I'll try to update it to cover both, but I haven't used .Rnw in a few years now 




On Sun, Sep 11, 2022, at 10:24 AM, Stephen Bond via ESS-help wrote:
> I am trying to help even though I know little:
> I used the approach in 
> https://plantarum.ca/2021/10/03/emacs-tutorial-rmarkdown/
>> The main function you need for this is polymode-export, bound to M-n
>> e.
>> The first time you run this, you’ll be asked which exporter you would
>> like to use. There are two choices, markdown and markdown-ess.
> So, if you choose markdown it will ask for format and then you can type
> pdf or html, it will weave and then look for pandoc. I have this in my
> .emacs
>  '(markdown-command
>    (concat "pandoc" " --from=markdown --to=html" " --standalone --
> mathjax --highlight-style=pygments"))
> You can see that it ignores the to=html and asks me every time. It also
> igonres the title section, where I specify the output format. So, it
> looks like polymode does not know how to read the title/yaml, but that
> is not a big deal as you can set that in the dialog after M-n e
> Cheers
> Stephen
> On Wed, 2022-09-07 at 17:03 -0400, Vincent Goulet via ESS-help wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> A large part of my work in Emacs involves editing Sweave (.Rnw)
>> files. I was very much used to the tried, tested and true ess-noweb
>> mode for this purpose.
>> Now, in the development version of ESS that is required for Emacs 28,
>> all the noweb stuff was gutted out and we're told to use polymode
>> instead. For one thing, I think it's a pity that such fundamental
>> interaction between R and Emacs (wasn't the whole concept of Sweave
>> based off Emacs functionality?) is no longer part of ESS. I'd
>> certainly vote for the return of noweb files support. (I understand
>> that polymode brought improved support for RMarkdown files.)
>> I'm probably late to the party, but can anyone give me a primer on
>> polymode for Rnw files? (Not Rmd files, some oldies like me still
>> rely on LaTeX and Sweave -- not even knitr!)
>> I followed the polymode installation instructions and added the
>> 'mode: poly-noweb' file variable to a .Rnw file. If I do 'M-n w' or
>> 'M-n e' (what's the difference?), I'm first asked to select a weaver
>> or an exporter. What's the answer? Pressing TAB does not offer any
>> choice.
>> What if I just want to compile the LaTeX file? In Emacs 27, ESS was
>> connected to AUCTeX and the weave step was integrated into the
>> compilation step (C-c C-c). Anything as streamlined with polymode?
>> I also stumble into the following issues. First, as soon as I try to
>> do anything in a .Rnw file, I get these error messages:
>> Error during redisplay: (internal--syntax-propertize 2) signaled
>> (error "Variable binding depth exceeds max-specpdl-size")
>> Error running timer ‘show-paren-function’: (error "internal--syntax-
>> propertize did not move syntax-propertize--done")
>> Second, I ended up a few times with the following markers at the end
>> of the file name in the modeline and in the mode display: HeadTail.
>> I'm not too sure how to reproduce, but does this ring any bell here?
>> System info: 
>> Emacs Modified for macOS 28.1-modified-1, based on
>> GNU Emacs 28.1 (build 1, aarch64-apple-darwin21.1.0, NS appkit-
>> 2113.00 Version 12.0.1 (Build 21A559)) of 2022-05-11
>> polymode 0.2.2 installed through MELPA
>> Thanks in advance!
>> v.
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