[ESS] [Rather ancient] ESS documentation on 'script is the truth' ?

Greg Minshall m|n@h@|| @end|ng |rom um|ch@edu
Sun May 8 06:46:02 CEST 2022


does the following (poorly formatted) seem like what you are looking
12.4 Example ESS usage
Comments as to what should be happening are prefixed by "##".
### Data Analysis Example
## Open the file you want with
C-x C-f myfile.R
## Edit as appropriate, then start and switch to an *R*
process buffer with
C-c C-z
## A new buffer *R* will appear. R will have been started
## in this buffer. The buffer is in iESS [R] mode.
## Return to the script
C-z (or C-c C-z if you have pressed other keys in between)
## Send current region (if active), or function, or paragraph at
point with
## Send current region or function or paragraph and step with
C-c C-c
## Send current line with
## or load the entire buffer with
C-c C-l
## Save the revised myfile.R with
C-x C-s.

if so, this is from the ess.pdf file that maybe Richard M. Heiberger
mentioned (in my version of the e-mail thread, anyway).

: for i in $(locate ess.pdf | grep -iw ess); do echo $i; zathura $i; done

cheers, Greg

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