[ESS] spurious (list ....)

Richard M. Heiberger rmh @end|ng |rom temp|e@edu
Thu Feb 18 03:31:29 CET 2021

ess sends spurious commands to the *R* buffer, for example

> (list "base" '(("..." . "") ("deparse.level" . "1")) '("..." "deparse.level" "recursive" "make.row.names" "stringsAsFactors" "factor.exclude" "use.names" "fill" "idcol" "size" "z" "combineLimits" "useOuterStrips"))

> (list "" '(("..." . "")) '("recursive" "use.names" "..." "panel.widths" "par.strip.text" "x" "x.same" "y.same" "layout" "merge.legends"))

These are unrelated to anything I am typing in the myfile.r buffer.

I am using Vincent Goulet's Emacs 27.1 with ESS 18.10.2 on Mac Big Sur 11.2.1 on a MacBook Air
with the M1 chip.

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