[ESS] How to move to start of previous command, but not start of line?

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd @end|ng |rom deb|@n@org
Sat Aug 28 04:25:51 CEST 2021

On 27 August 2021 at 20:48, William Denton via ESS-help wrote:
| Let's say I enter the following keystrokes:
| 1 + 1 RET M-p C-a
| This adds 1+1, gets the result, then runs comint-previous-input and reenters the 
| previous command.  C-a moves to the start of the line ... but puts the point 
| before the prompt, where the | is below.
| # ———
| > 1+1
| [1] 2
| |> 1 + 1
| # ———
| Is there a way to go to the start of the command, not the line?  I'm often in a 
| situation where I get something working and then want to assign it to a 
| variable, and it would be nice to run M-p C-a and be able to type "foo <-" with 
| everything in place.  (Thereby saving me all the trouble of hitting the right 
| arrow twice, which I know is trivial, but this is Emacs so I bet someeone has 
| got this working, unless I missed it in the docs.)

When I do
   foo <- 1 + 1 RET M-p C-a
my cursor is on f.

And always has been. Vanilla Emacs, currently 27.1, though I started using it
just before the 20s if memory serves, vanilla ESS most of those years, and no
fanyc prompt inside R. Just a a standar '> ' as

  > getOption("prompt")
  [1] "> "


https://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd using debian.org

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