[ESS] Best Practice for building R packages

Jeremie Juste jerem|eju@te @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Thu Oct 8 13:39:56 CEST 2020


Is anyone using ESS to build R packages? Could you share your workflow please?

I read the doc of ESS about using roxygen to document the functions.
By the way it looks like the link to [1] roxygen is broken and that
roxygen2 has taken its place.

I initially thought that I could use the workflow of the [2] Roxygen

[1]: <http://roxygen.org> 
[2]: https://web.archive.org/web/20170324200536/http://roxygen.org/roxygen.pdf

For convenience I reproduce it here
#' A package to check Roxygen's sanity
#' @name helloRoxygen-package
#' @docType package

$ package.skeleton('helloRoxygen',

$ roxygen2::roxygenize("helloRoxygen")

But I get the following warning message :
Warning: The existing 'helloRoxygen-package.Rd' file was not generated by roxygen2, and will not be overwritten.

And the file helloRoxygen-package.Rd is not updated.

I'll appreciate any lead on this.

Best Regards,
Jeremie Juste

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