[ESS] Pre release of ESS 16.04 - please test

Martin Maechler maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch
Wed May 4 10:17:21 CEST 2016

Dear ESS users,

I've made avaialable  tar (and zip) balls of a prerelease of
ESS 16.04 ((16-04 = April 2016, yes, we are slightly late)),

Of course they are also available via MELPA or from our github
repository https://github.com/emacs-ess/ESS/

The plan had been to freeze 16.04 end of last week and do much
testing, fixing as many errors as possible before release.
Unfortunately we did not announce this really, and I am doing
that now.

There a quite bit of new features and improvement,
some of the more important ones possibly in what was called "ESS
developer" mode and now has the menu entry / sub menu
 "Package development".
Typically ESS now automatically detects that you are editing
package R source code.  If needed (much more rarely),
the(changed!) key sequence to use is  C-c C-t C-s.

If you find errors / problems you may open an issue on github to
report them ..
or use the good ole [ESS] menu entry "send bug report"
or equivalently
   M-x ess-submit-bug-report

Thank you in advance for your support in making ESS better, by
testing it before release,

For the ESS Core Team,

Martin <Maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch>  http://stat.ethz.ch/people/maechler
Seminar für Statistik, ETH Zurich, SWITZERLAND

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