[ESS] org-babel R source block gives invalid function: with-parsed-tramp-file-name

Johannes Meisig j.meisig at biologie.hu-berlin.de
Wed Sep 23 12:26:41 CEST 2015


probably this is as much an org-mode as an ESS question. I get an error 
when executing an R source block with org-mode remotely

#+begin_src R :results graphics :file img.pdf :dir /user at host://home/user/

This leads to invalid function: with-parsed-tramp-file-name. The error 
goes away only with :results output, but value or graphics will not 
work. Other languages do work

#+BEGIN_SRC sh :results value :file out.txt :dir /user at host://home/user/

Thanks for any advice on this,

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