[ESS] Indenting of R code, particularly dplyr code.

Lionel Henry ||one|@hry @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Oct 7 11:50:54 CEST 2015

> On 7 oct. 2015, at 11:09, Patrick Connolly <p_connolly using slingshot.co.nz> wrote:
> |> I guess you really should update your ESS version. The
> |> indentation code got completely rewritten in the last version.
> If I can't customize it to indent only two characters, I'll keep my
> ancient version.  4 characters is too much indentation.

If your global offset level is 4 and you want continuations to be
indented with 2 spaces, you customise it like this :

(setq ess-offset-continued '(straight 2))


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