[ESS] Interactive SAS mode hangs

Erin Jonaitis jon@|t|@ @end|ng |rom |@tr|-w|@org
Wed Nov 11 17:53:47 CET 2015

Hi Rodney et al.,

We have this installed now, and to my chagrin, I still see some hanging behavior, with slight differences from previously.

This is the test code I am trying to run (please take it for granted that sasdata has been defined and sasdata.deaths exists):

proc contents data=sasdata.deaths order=varnum;
proc univariate data=sasdata.deaths;
    var sdays;

When I am in M-x SAS mode this is what I see:
- Putting the cursor on the "proc contents" statement and hitting C-c C-p, it hangs (hitting C-g will get me out)
- If I then put the cursor on the "run" statement and hit C-c C-p, it hangs again, but after hitting C-g, proc contents will run
- Selecting the whole code and hitting C-c C-c, it hangs
- If I then hit C-g, proc contents will run, but not proc univariate.

Below is my entire .emacs file, in case it helps:
;; .emacs

 ;; uncomment to always end a file with a newline
 ;'(require-final-newline t)
 ;; uncomment to disable loading of "default.el" at startup
 ;'(inhibit-default-init t)
 ;; default to unified diffs
 '(diff-switches "-u"))

;;; uncomment for CJK utf-8 support for non-Asian users
;; (require 'un-define)
(load "/opt/ess-15.09-1/lisp/ess-site.el")

More grist for the mill...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Erin Jonaitis" <jonaitis using fstrf-wi.org>
To: "ess-help" <ess-help using stat.math.ethz.ch>
Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2015 8:11:06 AM
Subject: Re: Interactive SAS mode hangs

Oh, what excellent news! I will forward this information to our sysadmin and will let you know as soon as I'm able to test.

Erin Jonaitis  |  Biostatistician
Frontier Science & Technology Research Foundation
505 South Rosa Road, Suite 100  |  Madison, WI 53719
(608) 535-8300 x2062  |  jonaitis using fstrf-wi.org

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sparapani, Rodney" <rsparapa using mcw.edu>
To: jonaitis using fstrf-wi.org
Cc: "ess-help" <ess-help using stat.math.ethz.ch>
Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2015 8:04:22 AM
Subject: Re: Interactive SAS mode hangs

On Wed, 2015-09-30 at 13:20 -0500, Rodney Sparapani wrote:
> Unfortunately, I can reproduce that with M-x SAS: only one line at a
> time works.  But that is definitely a bug since with 
> M-x ess-sas-interactive I can submit regions, paragraphs, etc.  So I
> made a bug report https://github.com/emacs-ess/ESS/issues/249

Hi Erin:

For me, this started working again with ESS 15.09-1.  Please test.


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