[ESS] R package support in Emacs projectile

Michael Lawrence lawrence.michael at gene.com
Sat Mar 28 13:17:50 CET 2015

Somewhat off-topic, but this [1] is a trivial patch that provides a
consistent interface for building and checking R packages through
projectile, the Emacs project manager. With helm-projectile, one can bring
up a list of projects (version controlled directories), auto-complete to an
R package name, and hit one key to install it with the current on R on the
PATH. Or hit one key (combo) from any buffer inside the package. Could
better integrate with ESS (custom R paths), but my elisp was not up to
adding a conditional dependency of projectile on ESS. Really, projectile
should use a plug-in framework for this.

[1] https://github.com/bbatsov/projectile/pull/692


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