[ESS] ESS unable to find R on Linux when emacs started by opening a .R file
Stephen Eglen
S@J@Eg|en @end|ng |rom d@mtp@c@m@@c@uk
Wed Jul 15 21:42:26 CEST 2015
hi Gavin,
> If I locate the .R file I want to edit using the file manager (Files in
> Gnome 3) and open it from there with emacs, the exec-path contains
> just:
this bit sounds odd. If you are starting Emacs from gnome, is it
starting a fresh instance of Emacs, or using emacsclient to start a new
window/frame within your current Emacs?
What about if you open a regular .txt file using the same approach
(e.g. file manager)? What does exec-path look like then?
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