[ESS] feature request: ESS and Python

Riccardo Romoli ric.romoli at gmail.com
Thu Jul 16 15:55:27 CEST 2015

Hi all,
I would know if there are some project to include Python support in ESS. 
I increasingly use Python for data analisys and I haven't found anithing 
powerfull as ESS to write code, debug code and interact with the 
interpreter (iESS mode for R). I use a little code to try to use some 
similar facilitises of ESS but it is very rudimentary (each time I have 
to manually associate the code to the *Python* buffer...).

I use isend mode with this code:

;; Python send code
(add-to-list 'load-path "/home/r/.emacs.d/lisp/isend-mode/")
(require 'isend)
(setq isend-skip-empty-lines nil)
(setq isend-strip-empty-lines nil)
(setq isend-delete-indentation t)
(setq isend-end-with-empty-line t)

(defadvice isend-send (after advice-run-code-sent activate compile)
   "Execute whatever sent to the (Python) buffer"
   (let ((old-buf (buffer-name)))
       (switch-to-buffer isend--command-buffer)
       (goto-char (point-max))
       (switch-to-buffer old-buf))))

I am sure there are more people (e.g. in bioinformatics) who have to
work quite a bit on Pithon scripts and are happy users of ESS. These 
people (e.g. myself) would *love* to see Pithon
support in ESS

All the best, Riccardo

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