[ESS] Julia in ESS

Stephen Eglen S@J@Eg|en @end|ng |rom d@mtp@c@m@@c@uk
Mon Apr 13 08:23:52 CEST 2015

>  > https://github.com/emacs-ess/ESS/pull/122
> That's not an easy issue. We have discussed this before. In order to
> merge 122 the core ESS must be modified to work in a standard emacs
> way. That is,
>   1) Split ess-mode into standalone modes (R-mode, stata-mode,
>     julia-mode etc) and make them inherit from ess-mode.
>   2) Make interaction functionality a minor mode such that it can  be
>     plugged into any of the modes from (2).
> There are other ways to merge 122 but it would be called "patching" and
> I am not willing to do patching (yet again) because (1) and (2) must be
> done anyways.

Ok, I don't follow here, so I suspect its better for me to wait for you
rather than try and fix this myself!

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