[ESS] Polymode is on MELPA

Phillip Lord phillip.lord at newcastle.ac.uk
Mon Sep 15 14:55:17 CEST 2014

Vitalie Spinu <spinuvit at gmail.com> writes:
>  >>> Stephen Eglen on Mon, 15 Sep 2014 09:27:04 +0100 wrote:
> [...]
>  > Curious: what are you going to replace indirect buffers with?
> Just use normal buffers and take care that changes from one buffer are
> reflected in all others. Something akin to `linked-buffers` by Phil
> Lord. This might end up in a more fruitfully approach as it would
> potentially allow having different contents in each buffer. You would be
> able to edit roxygen comments in R mode as an example.

I'm very open to collaboration if you just want to use linked-buffers.
It would be good not to have the code written twice.

I've just put preliminary support in for org->el, which is quite
interesting. It should make literate elisp without all having to pop up
literate sections in a different buffer (which org-mode also implemented
with indirect-buffers, I think).


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