[ESS] Problems with package "ess-rutils"

Dieter Heyer dieter.heyer at psych.uni-halle.de
Mon May 12 13:25:54 CEST 2014

The situation: Open is a source buffer "foo.R"" and an associated process
buffer "*R:1*" (modeline of source buffer entails "(ESS[S] [none] ...)" and
that of the process buffer "(iESS [R:1 db -]:run)"). When I call
"ess-rutils-local-pkgs" (process buffer being active) then - as expected - a
new buffer pops up listing all local packages (by the way: when I type "q"
(ess-rutils-quit) to delete this buffer I am asked to set the ess-dialect!).
Calling "ess-rutils-local-pkgs" incidentally from the source buffer the
message "No ESS process is associated with the buffer now" appears in the
minibuffer. When I then go back to the process buffer to call the function
there the message is shown again and there seems to be no way to restart the
function. Any help? Thanks in advance! D.irascible

LinuxMint 15
GNU Emacs 24.3.1
ESS version 13.09-2
R version 3.1.0

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