[ESS] debug: automatically step into functions

Vitalie Spinu spinuvit at gmail.com
Sat Mar 15 03:20:55 CET 2014

 >>> Andreas Leha on Fri, 14 Mar 2014 23:49:06 +0100 wrote:

 > Hi all,
 > lets say I debug function a() which calls function b() and I want to
 > step into b() during the debugging session.

 > In this situation I can flag b() for debugging also during the active
 > debugging session, which is great.  But if I want to follow control into
 > some deeply nested function, that becomes cumbersome - despite all the
 > support by ess (ess-debug-flag-for-debugging, ...)

 > So, my question is:  Is there even more support by ess?  The most
 > straight forward support IMO would be a key-stroke to sth like
 > ess-debug-command-next-and-step-into that would automatically flag b()
 > for debugging before executing ess-debug-command-next (and also undebug
 > it automatically again).

 > Is that possible (or even already implemented)?

Possible? Yes. Implemented in ESS? No. Implemented in R. To the best of
my knowledge not. If you can think of how to implement this in R. Then,
adding it to ESS is straightforward.


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