[ESS] Documentation of thing at point

Sebastien Vauban sva-news at mygooglest.com
Thu Aug 28 20:43:20 CEST 2014

Vitalie Spinu wrote:
> Sebastien Vauban on Thu, 28 Aug 2014 16:53:20 +0200 wrote:
>> I would like to be able to look up documentation of "thing at point"
>> with `info-lookup-symbol' (`C-h S' in Emacs Lisp buffers, and in all
>> modes for me...).
> No. R docs are not in info format.

Well, yes, that makes sense...

My question came from the fact that, however in a different format,
Auto-Complete presents the R documentation in its quick help as its does
with Emacs Lisp documentation, for example.

But, OK, I understand.

>> Am I missing something in my configuration, so that the R documentation
>> can be integrated within a generic way to access it (other than `C-c
>> C-v' which is only usable in ESS buffers)?
> `C-c C-d` is a pretty generic key for a doc map.

Mistyped. Yes, I meant `C-c C-v'.

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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