[ESS] BUG orgmode incompability

Andreas Leha andreas.leha at med.uni-goettingen.de
Fri Oct 18 15:37:58 CEST 2013

Andreas Leha <andreas.leha at med.uni-goettingen.de> writes:

> Hi all,
> I just upgraded ess from 13.05 to 13.09-1 (current git).
> Now, evaluation from orgmode when in session mode fails.
> Here is a test org file (do C-c C-c inside the src block):
> * Test
> #+name: testblk
> #+begin_src R :session *dtrn*
>   library("ggplot2")
> #+end_src
> Here is the backtrace I get:
> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)
>   file-name-nondirectory(nil)
>   ess--make-source-refd-command(1 19 nil)
>   ess-tracebug-send-region(#<process R> 1 19 nil "Eval buffer" buffer)
>   ess-eval-region(1 19 nil "Eval buffer" buffer)
>   ess-eval-buffer(nil)
>   org-babel-R-evaluate-session("*dtrn*" "library(\"ggplot2\")" value ("replace") nil nil)
>   org-babel-R-evaluate("*dtrn*" "library(\"ggplot2\")" value ("replace") nil nil)
>   org-babel-execute:R("library(\"ggplot2\")" ((:comments . "") (:shebang . "") (:cache . "no") (:padline . "") (:noweb . "no") (:tangle . "no") (:exports . "code") (:results . "replace") (:hlines . "no") (:session . "*dtrn*") (:result-type . value) (:result-params "replace") (:rowname-names) (:colname-names)))
>   org-babel-execute-src-block(nil)
>   org-babel-execute-src-block-maybe()
>   org-babel-execute-maybe()
>   org-babel-execute-safely-maybe()
>   run-hook-with-args-until-success(org-babel-execute-safely-maybe)
>   org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c(nil)
>   call-interactively(org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c nil nil)
> I get the same with `emacs -Q`.  If important, my orgmode version is
> 8.2.1 (release_8.2.1-113-g24c49a)
> Regards,
> Andreas

Just a short follow-up:  This is due to changes after the 13.09
release (ESSR package installation and loading, as I get it).


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