[ESS] Configuring Emacs "à la RStudio"

Vitalie Spinu spinuvit at gmail.com
Sat Nov 30 06:37:35 CET 2013

 >>> Sebastien Vauban on Fri, 29 Nov 2013 10:14:49 +0100 wrote:


 > In my case, in the iESS buffer, I don't see my commands colored like they are
 > in the R buffer: everything is fontified with `comint-highlight-input' (except
 > the strings in `font-lock-string-face').

Yes, it is the commint overwriting of our fonts. I was planning to
contribute a patch for at least an year now, but never got down to
it. It is somewhat annoying but not the most pressing issue; especially
now, when it looks like font-lock is the main cause of the (very) slow
emacs display of sub-process output.


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