[ESS] Introducing Polymode

Vitalie Spinu spinuvit at gmail.com
Wed Mar 27 18:38:10 CET 2013

  >> Vitalie Spinu <spinuvit at gmail.com>
  >> on Wed, 27 Mar 2013 16:26:12 +0100 wrote:

  > ╭──────── #326 ─ polymode.el ──
  > │ (defun polymode-select-buffer ()
  > │   "Select the appropriate (indirect) buffer corresponding to point's context.
  > │ This funciton is placed in local post-command hook."
  > │   (condition-case error
  > │       (unless pm--ignore-post-command-hook
  > ╰──────── #330 ─

  > I hope you can get a meaningfully backtrace. The error most likely comes
  > from font-lock which doesn't show any backtrace either. This makes
  > development extremely tedious.

This function is placed in post-command-hook. So if you unprotect it and
error occurs, emacs will silently throw it out of the hook.

Could you then go to the location where the error occurred and call this
function manually? I cannot reproduce this error with emacs -q either on


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