[ESS] knitr pdf viewer on windows

David Scott d.scott at auckland.ac.nz
Fri Dec 20 01:47:38 CET 2013

I am trying to get M-n P when processing a .Rnw file to preferably not 
open a viewer, or alternatively open Sumatra if not already open. My 
preferred mode is to open the pdf in Sumatra when I start and allow 
Sumatra to update the pdf as I edit and then process the .Rnw file.

I have changed the sweave processor to knitr:
  '(ess-swv-processor (quote knitr))

I have changed the ess pdf viewer to Sumatra:
  '(ess-pdf-viewer-pref "c:/Program 

Also the AUCTeX pdf viewer:
(setq TeX-source-correlate-mode t)
(setq TeX-source-correlate-method 'synctex)
(setq TeX-view-program-list
    '(("Sumatra PDF" ("\"c:/Program 
Files/RStudio/bin/sumatra/SumatraPDF.exe\" -reuse-instance"
                       (mode-io-correlate " -forward-search %b %n ") " 

If I use pdflatex on an ordinary .tex document, I get the Sumatra viewer 
but M-n P gives me Adobe Reader  (which is the default on my computer).

Any suggestions as to how to change this?


David Scott

David Scott	Department of Statistics
		The University of Auckland, PB 92019
		Auckland 1142,    NEW ZEALAND
Phone: +64 9 923 5055, or +64 9 373 7599 ext 85055
Email:	d.scott at auckland.ac.nz,  Fax: +64 9 373 7018

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