[ESS] knitr

Brett Presnell presnell at stat.ufl.edu
Fri Jun 8 18:27:09 CEST 2012

Vitalie Spinu <spinuvit at gmail.com> writes:

> Auctex integration is already there for Rnw, as far as I can see. You
> can activate it from the noweb/Sweave menu. 

Just to be clear, I knew this and have used AUCTeX/ESS for to edit Rnw
files years (and AUCTeX and S-mode/ESS separately since the early 90s).
It's just that the integration has never worked very well for me because
of the faulty mode switching.

> In noweb mode there is M-n n to narrow to chunks. It should eliminated
> the need for C-c ' altogether.

Thanks, that's good to know, although I'm not sure how much I can count
on it, given that emacs quickly gets into a state in which it's confused
about it's mode and what sort of chunk it's in.  

Hmmm, I notice that after typing M-n n I have to type M-n t twice to
turn off the narrowing.  Is that normal?  FWIW, I'm running GNU Emacs (packaged by Damien Cassou) under Ubuntu 12.04 (Unity desktop)
with AUCTeX 11.86 and ESS 12.04-3.

> Yes, resetting modes every time you switch a chunk is the main (if not
> the only) reason for a rewrite.

Good to hear.  Thanks, and thanks to everyone for their efforts.

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