[ESS] Problems compiling latex during Sweave process

Joan-Josep Vallbé vallbe at ub.edu
Fri Jan 7 22:10:54 CET 2011

Dear all,

I'm runing R 2.12.1 and Emacs 23.2 under Mac OS X 10.6.5 and I'm trying to use Sweave in order to draft some reports. While I'm able to Sweave my .Snw file using the command M-n s, an error message arises when I further try M-n l and M-n- P in order to compile latex on the results and have a pdf from it, delivering first the following message: "ess-swv-latex: Searching for program: no such file or directory, latex". 

If I instead open the .tex file created by Sweaving and compile it (C-c C-c), then it works, but I cannot carry out the intended whole process M-n s, M-n l, and M-n P under ESS. The test file is the following:

\title{Tests with Sweave}
This is a test.

We include a plot of the data.

<<fig =TRUE , echo =FALSE >>=

I haven't been able to find this same problem already solved, so I guess the problem is too obvious and might have to do with the ess-swv.el file. However, I'm not familiar with lisp and don't know what to change. Following some advice found googling around, I added the following code to my .emacs file; I've tried to remove it (except (require 'ess-site)) and try again, without any success:

(require 'ess-site)

(setq TeX-file-extensions
      '("Snw" "Rnw" "nw" "tex" "sty" "cls" "ltx" "texi" "texinfo"))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.Rnw\\'" . Rnw-mode))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.Snw\\'" . Snw-mode))
(add-hook 'Rnw-mode-hook
 (lambda ()
  (add-to-list 'TeX-expand-list '("%rnw" file "Rnw" t) t)
  (add-to-list 'TeX-command-list
   '("Stangle" "R CMD Stangle %rnw"
     TeX-run-command nil (latex-mode) :help "Run Stangle") t)
  (add-to-list 'TeX-command-list
   '("Sweave" "R CMD Sweave %rnw"
     TeX-run-command nil (latex-mode) :help "Run Sweave") t)
  (add-to-list 'TeX-command-list
   '("LatexSweave" "%l %(mode) %s"
     TeX-run-TeX nil (latex-mode) :help "Run Latex after Sweave") t)
  (setq TeX-command-default "Sweave")))

Thanks in advance for your help. Best,


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