[ESS] keystroke for help

Patrick Connolly p_connolly at slingshot.co.nz
Tue Sep 1 22:28:39 CEST 2009

On Tue, 01-Sep-2009 at 02:18PM +0200, baptiste auguie wrote:

|> Dear all,
|> Yet again a silly question: how do you obtain help for a given
|> function (selected, or simply where the cursor currently sits)? I

If you're already in a help buffer, your keystroke is 'h' and it will
default to the word at point.  If you're in the '*R*' buffer, you'll
need to go through the arduous sequence of C-c C-v.


|> could use C-c C-v but this requires me to type the word
|> again. Also, is there a way to open the help in a new window as
|> opposed to masking the buffer I was working on?  I keep having to
|> switch back to this one with the mouse and it's annoying (e.g. when
|> I start the R process it covers the file i was working with).

|> Many thanks,
|> baptiste
|> Emacs 23.1, Mac OSX 10.5, R2.9.2
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   ___    Patrick Connolly   
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