[ESS] font colors out of sync in *R* buffer

Armin Goralczyk agoralczyk at gmail.com
Sun May 3 14:34:10 CEST 2009

This also happens in the german localization where warning messages
including umlaut are printed as "a for ä. An example warning message
from my current session:

Fehler in ci[i, , 3] <- metarate(e = rds$e[i, ], n = rds$n[i, ],
method = "double") :
  falsche Anzahl von subscripts
Zus"atzlich: Warning messages:
1: In return(ci, theta) : mehrargumentige R"uckgaben sind veraltet
2: In return(ci, theta) : mehrargumentige R"uckgaben sind veraltet

When " is unmatched the buffer will remain in pink. How can I prevent
this? How can I change to english messages (presumably without

Armin Goralczyk, M.D.
Universitätsmedizin Göttingen
Abteilung Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie
Rudolf-Koch-Str. 40
37099 Göttingen
Dept. of General and Visceral Surgery
University Medical Center Göttingen
Göttingen, Germany

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