[ESS] Extend column width of R-Process in Emacs

Friedericksen Hope golum23 at gmx.de
Mon Jul 20 19:00:15 CEST 2009

Hey tyler,

thank you for your kind help and explanations!


tyler wrote:
>> Charles C. Berry wrote:
>>> ---
>>> C-c w runs the command ess-execute-screen-options
>>>   which is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `ess-inf.el'.
>>> It is bound to C-c w.
>>> (ess-execute-screen-options)
>>> Cause S to set the "width" option to 1 less than the frame width.
>>> Also sets the "length" option to 99999.
>>> This is a good thing to put in `ess-post-run-hook' --- for the S dialects.
>>> ---
> Friedericksen Hope <golum23 at gmx.de> writes:
>> thank you guys for the responses. This is exactly what I was looking
>> for. Unfortunately, I'm not very familiar with LISP - how can I put
>> the "ess-execut-screen-options" to the "ess-post-run-hook"?
> The following code in your .emacs file will do it:
> (defun my-ess-post-run-hook ()
>   (ess-execute-screen-options)
>   (local-set-key "\C-cw" 'ess-execute-screen-options))
> (add-hook 'ess-post-run-hook 'my-ess-post-run-hook)
> The first line in the hook will call ess-exectue-screen-options each
> time you start R. The second line (local-set-key ...) binds the command to
> "C-c w", so you can correct the output width whenever the emacs frame size
> changes. 
> Question for ESS people: 
> What's the difference between ess-post-run-hook and
> inferior-ess-mode-hook? Since ess-execute-screen-options only makes
> sense in an inferior ESS buffer, would it be more appropriate to put
> these customizations in the inferior-ess-mode-hook? Just curious.
> Cheers,
> Tyler

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