[ESS] iESS for SAS - getting started

Anna Larbalestier anna.larbalestier at bristol.ac.uk
Fri Jan 30 12:49:39 CET 2009


I've just installed ESS onto my Windows XP machine at work, hoping to be 
able to use emacs to edit my SAS programs and run them interactively.  
I've taken the most up to date download from http://ess.r-project.org/.

When I start up emacs I have the ESS buffer listed.  However, I'm 
struggling to understand how I actually run SAS programs in it.  I 
realise this is a really basic question, but having read the ess.pdf 
file I have come to the conclusion that I must be missing something 
fundamental and obvious, but I would be very grateful if someone could 
help me out. 

I want to use the editor interactively rather than submitting in batch.  
The instructions say "To start up iESS[SAS] mode, use: M-x SAS".  When I 
try this, I get the error message "Spawning child process: invalid 

Thanks in advance

Anna (an ESS novice)

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