[ESS] Issue with error/warning messages in Emacs.app

Vincent Goulet vincent.goulet at act.ulaval.ca
Sat Jan 17 23:18:13 CET 2009

Le sam. 17 janv. à 13:58, Kasper Daniel Hansen a écrit :

> Any reason for not just using Carbon Emacs?

This is in part explained on the web page. A few reasons:

- I don't want a Mac-ified Emacs beyond the obvious basic GUI  
functionality. For one, don't mess with the keyboard!
- As I understand it, Carbon is an older technology than Cocoa (on  
which Aquamacs and Emacs.app are based).
- ESS is not activated by default in Carbon Emacs (minor point, yes,  
but an important one nevertheless for my students who have enough to  
learn with R and the Emacs interface in the first place).
- Emacs.app and my distribution are built straight from the official  
GNU Emacs tree. Once v. 23 is released, I plan to use official  
releases only, just like my Windows distribution. I was going to base  
my distribution on the 9.0rc3 version of Emacs.app, but it is rather  
old (Nov. 2007) and some cursor infelicities are fixed in CVS. Hence  
my decision to build from CVS instead.



> Kasper
> On Jan 16, 2009, at 9:47 , Vincent Goulet wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Tired of deactivating many "features" of Aquamacs (an OS X-ified  
>> version of Emacs), I decided to build my own distribution of Emacs  
>> for OS X along the same lines as my Windows distribution. It is  
>> based on Emacs.app, with the addition of ESS, AUCTeX and Aspell. See
>> 	http://vgoulet.act.ulaval.ca/en/emacs/mac
>> for details and if you want to become some sort of a beta tester.


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