[ESS] Skeleton pair insert not working after upgrade.

Marc Schwartz marc_schwartz at me.com
Sat Aug 29 15:34:06 CEST 2009

On Aug 29, 2009, at 4:31 AM, Vitalie S. wrote:
 >> Marc Schwartz wrote:
>> Rather than using skeleton mode, I located the AutoPairs page at  
>> the Emacs Wiki:
>>   http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/AutoPairs
>> and decide to give the textmate.el approach a try since it claims  
>> some additional functionality.  textmate.el is available from:
>>   http://code.google.com/p/emacs-textmate/
>> Once can download and un-tar the gz file there to someplace  
>> convenient on your system.
>> Once you have done that, add the following to your .emacs file,  
>> which will load textmate-mode at Emacs startup, rather than having  
>> to use 'M-x textmate-mode' every time:
>> ;; Modify the path to textmate.el as appropriate!!!
>> (load "/Users/marcschwartz/Downloads/Emacs/textmate/textmate")
>> (mapc (lambda (mode)
>> 	(let ((hook (intern (concat (symbol-name mode)
>> 				    "-mode-hook"))))
>> 	  (add-hook hook (lambda () (textmate-mode +1)))))
>>       '(c cperl emacs-lisp inferior-lisp ess inferior-ess lisp  
>> noweb perl Rd text tex))
> Did not work for me in the beggining. The code uses internally  
> python-backspace
> so I placed (require 'python) in my .emacs and apparently it started  
> working.
> But what is exactly the functionality it brings above skeletion??
> I can not see anything fancy when deleting parenthesis.
> Vitalie.

1. I noted after the fact, the problem with the python backspace.  
There is a reference to a fix here:


however, I could not get the empty pair deletion to work in the modes  
that I use. Thus, there does not seem to be any additional  
functionality using textmate mode that I can see (save perhaps in  
python mode, which I do not use). The only benefit may be that it  
seems to function in the relevant ESS modes, which the default  
skeleton mode does not. However, that functionality appears to be at  
the expense of others.

2. The generic AutoPairs code (http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ 
AutoPairs) does not appear to solve the ESS mode interactions any more  
than using regular skeleton mode.

3. I have not been using the ess-arg-show functionality, which is why  
I did not note the loss of it. However, it would seem logical on the  
face of it, that there is an interaction here between ess-arg-show,  
electric braces/parens and skeleton mode, since each functions upon  
the entry of common characters and only some of the three functions  
may be compatible with the others as presently implemented.

At this point, I am at the limit of what I know about emacs lisp. For  
the time being, it may be that there is a tradeoff between these  
various functions.

I would have to defer to others with a deeper knowledge of emacs lisp  
as to what might be a more inclusive solution to this problem, which  
might perhaps require the addition of the skeleton mode pairing  
functionality within the framework of existing ESS functions to  
facilitate compatibility.


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