[ESS] roxygen question

Stephen Eglen S.J.Eglen at damtp.cam.ac.uk
Mon Apr 20 10:26:42 CEST 2009

Rainer M Krug <r.m.krug at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi
> I want to use roxygen and the function ess-roxygen-fn but I have a
> problem. I am using the package simecol, and my functions are defined
> as follow:
> equations(ASM)$germSpecies <- function(param, species) { ... }
> When I call ess-roxygen-fn (bound to C-c C-o), I get the error message:
> "Point is not in a function according to 'ess-function-pattern'"

This error occurs due to ess not being able to find the start of
function; although you've called an roxygen function, the error is in:
ess-beginning-of-function -- try calling that function within the braces
and you'll see the same error.

> Is it possible to change these pattern?

mmm... the place to start looking would be the variable
ess-function-pattern, but you will see that is quite complex already.
I guess the problem you are hitting is the fact that you have  () on the
left hand side of the assignment operator, i.e. '(ASM)'


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