[ESS] Syntax highlighting with R

Graham Smith myotisone at gmail.com
Sun Dec 7 09:24:02 CET 2008


Thanks for your help.

> M-x font-lock-fontify-buffer

I didn't realise this, but it hasn't made any difference

> Next step is to make sure you are operating on a clean .emacs - I would move
> the one you have temporarily and only keep the two lines that loads ESS as
> well as turns font-locking on.

I will do this, but I haven't added any ESS specific lines to the
.emacs file as loading a .R file opened ESS automatically, and M-x R
loaded R, so I had assumed that the version of Emacs I am using had
ESS "built in"

> Now you want to check whether you have font-locking in for other file
> formats eg. C or Perl.

I'm only using Org-mode and ESS, but with Org-mode I getting different
colours for outline stars, dates etc. I am getting some colours in ESS
in that the prompt  > is purple,  the <- is green and  "error" is
green, and executed

> If that is the case we probably need to know your Emacs and ESS versions

I'm on Ubuntu 8.04, with Emacs 22.1.1 and ESS 5.3.10, both installed,
and updated  by synaptic Its the GTK version of Emacs, but not
entirely sure what that means. I  also have just realised that I have
no idea where synaptic had put ESS.

I'm afraid I am still finding Linux, Emacs and ESS a little bewildering.

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