[ESS] Syntax highlighting with R

Graham Smith myotisone at gmail.com
Sat Dec 6 23:06:44 CET 2008



> Those last three lines starting with ' do not need to be in .emacs; the
> ' just means to quote the following list, so that code is not evaluated
> by emacs.

Ah, I see,  I wasn't sure how the code should be added.

> Do you have ESS loaded?  (e.g. somewhere else in your .emacs you load
> 'ess-site.el' somehow.)  Does M-x R get you an R session?

Loading a .R file opens ESS and M-x R loads R, and the assign symbol
is in blue-green and executed commands in are bold, but that seems to
be the only syntax highlighting I get. I was expecting to see more.
But I don't have a line in emacs explicitly loading it (I have
installed  ESS via synaptic on Ubuntu)


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